Measuring Social Media Marketing
There are essentially three areas that should be measured in any good Social Media Marketing campaign: social media interaction, search saturation, and referral traffic (can include goal conversion/user behavior)
Social Media Interaction
Social media interaction measures how users interact with a company's social media profiles. This includes number of friends, comments, ratings, sent messages, and views. Social interaction can be weighted where a direct question about the product gets more weight than a "thanks for the add" comment. Social media interaction metrics will provide an idea of the popularity of a company's profiles and pages.
Search Saturation
Search saturation measures online visibility of a company’s social media sites. At Anvil, we measure search saturation metrics by determining online visibility percentage of the social media sites for targeted keywords. Search saturation metrics will help identify which sites need to be further optimized for keywords and which sites are ranking well.
Referral Traffic
Referral traffic is measured using Analytics. Traffic should be analyzed to monitor the behavior of new and existing traffic. A separate social media profile should also be created to measure goal conversions and track user behavior.
i have used social media to promote my resume search site: well it worked and i got lot of visits:
No one can ignore the importance of social media in this era. The social media networks are really important to connect with more and more people with each other like facebook, orkut are very good examples of this process...
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