Monday, June 15, 2009

Branding a Produt

Marketing is a set of activities with the overall goal of creating and nurturing customer relationships. As such it involves decisions in four major areas :

1. The product/service -- what will best meet the needs of my customers? What are my customers really purchasing?

2. Distribution -- how can I make it easy for my customers to purchase the product? Do I need the help of other firms for location, service, customization, systems integration, etc?

3. Promotion and communication -- how can I let my customers and prospect know about the value of the product/service? How can I create an information path for them to communicate with me?

4. Price -- what price is appropriate for the product -- competitive in the market, reflective of the quality and perception of the product, acceptable to the customer and suitable for my business needs?

Branding is a subset primarily of promotion. The concept is to first, understand what the essential, core value is that your customers hold for your product category. You then want to create/modify your product to best deliver on that core value and then promote it such that the consumer intimately associates -- believes -- that your product best delivers the value.


Sudipta Das said...

yes for any business branding of your product is very important, with out branding it you won't get regular customer

thank you
Sudipta Das
search engine marketing solutions

Messi said...

There are so many tools for branding a product. It is necessary for any kind of product. It is really helpful for the business.

Anonymous said...

Nice article I am very pleased with the thoughts and did not like to add anything to it.
John Assam

Resume Search said...

Branding is the most important thing to develop a business: thanks for sharing some good points:

stevehith said...

For a success in an online business branding is essential. SEO services help us in branding products and services.

jaxonmarkell said...

Certainly branding a product is a challenging and essential task.Your views are good. Kindly guide with some tips.